Artist’s Book Marmalises Its Maker!
Full of inspiration and ideas, his best-loved prints as well as new work, this book will get you thinking bigger and better and recharge your .... Whatever their form, the books published by WSW are created by artists, ... Studio Workshop: the handmade mark of the book-maker, the unique voices and .... Artists' books that maintain the traditional structure of a book are often known as book art or ... Artists' book makers Jackie Batey, Sarah Bodman, John Dilnot, Susan Johanknecht, Angela Lorenz and Marshall Weber talk about their work.. It is the artistic initiative seen in the illustration, choice of materials, creation process, layout and design that makes it an art object. A book that only ... HERE
I almost stoved my head in with my Artist's Book, The Shrewd Idiot! You are going to have to suspend disbelief in my idiocy when I divulge this... 2
Since my last blArt, where I saw that it's been 40 years since I 'published' Apul ... Practicing for BABE Sees ja thur! ... Artist's Book marmalises its maker!